Monday, September 23, 2013

The No-Muscle Work Out

Since my hospital stay over the summer I've made significant physical progress. Sometimes I even forget I still have limitations. I can go grocery shopping without worrying about collapsing in the middle of the store. I can stand for about an hour and a half or so at a concert (and longer if I really wanted to). As long as I'm not on an uphill grade, I usually do okay for myself.

I finished my physical and occupational therapy about a month ago. Both therapists encouraged me to continue my exercises and to begin working out on my elliptical machine. I felt like many of my daily activities replaced some of my exercises though (ex. going up and down the stairs replaces the exercise where I stand on the top step with one foot and bend that leg until my other heel touches the next step down). It's obvious I'm not back to 100%, but I felt like I'd made huge strides. (And I have, all things considered).

But today I finally found a bit of motivation and hauled my butt onto the elliptical. The boyfriend and I were talking about it yesterday. He encouraged me to get on it, but to know that I'd have to start slow, maybe with just three minutes. Of course I scoffed and said, "Three minutes?!? Geez. I think I can at least manage five!"

Which makes today's performance all the more embarrassing. At the one minute mark I decided five minutes was unreasonable and three was a much more realistic goal. At a minute and thirty seconds I had broken a light sweat and switched the direction I was pedaling. By two minutes I was sucking in air, heart racing, and thinking I might not make it at all! When the timer rolled over to three minutes I wobbled over to the closest cushy surface and collapsed for six minutes. Phew.

So on the downside, I think perhaps I've been too lax in continuing my physical therapy. Building up more time on the elliptical will be a major goal for me now. On the upside, making a workout playlist will be a breeze. One good Meatloaf song will get me through three or four workouts!

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