Saturday, July 23, 2011

As an Adult I do not Squeal at Snakes or Cockroaches: A Total Lie

What started out as a simple walk to the post office in 90 degree weather, turned into a frightened squealing scene when, approximately ten steps outside my front door, I almost stepped on a snake.

                                           He was going to eat me!...or perhaps a small mouse.

When I was little I had a similar panicked, screechy reaction to snakes that weren't in tanks, but it was the kind of thing that I'd hoped had passed as I'd become an adult. I am, after all, responsible for protecting Brynn from dangers of the wild like this harmless garden snake. Brynn wasn't with me though, so I did what any other 30 year old who just regressed to kindergarten would do...I called my dad.

As a 5 year old, calling my dad would've involved screaming at the top of my lungs, then through tears, until someone came to rescue me. Thankfully for the neighbors and my pride I had my cell phone handy. Plus my dad lives several miles away now. He remained cool and calm while I squealed (twice) that "THERE'S A SNAKE IN THE FRONT YARD!!!" Ultimately I just walked around the slithering menace and on to the (closed) post office. When I returned home, he was gone.

This has brought a disturbing trend to my attention though. When faced with the few irrational fears I have (wild snakes, giant wild spiders, and anything that looks even remotely like a cockroach) I do two things (1) freeze in an ill advised state of paralysis and (2) call a man. In the past I've called my dad from over 700 miles away so he could "help" me kill the huge banana spider that had re-located its massive web so as to entirely block access to my laundry room. Just a month or so ago I killed a two inch long flying roach-like bug that had snuck in my bedroom from the back patio door. I had to phone a friend so I could talk myself into picking up the carcass to throw it outside. Once, several years ago now, I encountered a couple dozen cockroaches at the bottom of an outdoor set of stairs and called my then-boyfriend in such hysterics that he couldn't understand me at all and was afraid I'd been in a terrible accident. I just can't help it. Some part of me is in utter terror at those moments. At any other moment of the day I'm a mature self-sufficient woman who doesn't need a man to do things for her. In those moments when I'm face to face (or better, face to beady little eyes) with one of these creatures though, all I can say is "AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" So Brynn, I promise to save you from the snakes and the roaches, but you'll have to forgive me for having a panic attack while I do it. What I'll never let you know is that my next move is to call ~a man~.

1 comment:

obsessive compulsive dawn said...

We once had one of those flying buggers come zooming in the front door as we opened it for the pizza guy. My wife and one of our male friends ran screaming the five feet into the bedroom and closed the door, leaving me and our 6'2" male friend to dispose of him. The other two squealed like the devil had come in after them lol. We actually managed to catch him in a cup and fling him back into the wild outdoors. I do not trust pizza guys after dark. they bring the wrath of the bug monster.